In ancient times, the green mint was used as an aphrodisiac. The oil of this plant can be used for the same purpose, however, this practice has decreased in modern times by natural medicinal preparations.
This plant contains carvone, limonene and felandrina, all sexual stimulating substances.

According to mythology, the nymph Menthe, who was the daughter of Cocyte the god of the river, was the one who created the mint .. Menthe was loved by Pluto, god of the underworld and it angered his wife Proserpina. Proserpine’s anger changed to the beautiful Menthe in the mint plant.


It is a climbing plant with sharp leaves. It produces tubers that can be prescribed as auxiliaries against impotence, provided that they are consumed for a prolonged period of time. For use in medicine, tubers are preserved in sugar.


Orchids have been related throughout history with everything erotic.

In Greek mythology, Orchis, the son of a satyr and a nymph, was killed by the Bacchanalia. When he returns to life, he does so in the shape of an orchid. the flower was the food of the satyrs, and supposedly responsible for the sensual antics of those deities of the forests, lovers of fun. Satirion, the archaic name of the orchid, is an aphrodisiac.

According to Theophrastus (ancient philosopher and Greek scientist), the orchid has such qualities that a simple application on the genitals will allow a man to be erected twelve times in a row.

In England in the nineteenth century, the salep, a drink based on a substance called basin, extracted from the tubers of several species of orchids of East Asia, had a great popularity as an aphrodisiac. The English accepted it both for its refreshing taste and powerful rejuvenating body and genitals.

The Turks, used as an aphrodisiac, the variety of ORCHIS MORIO. They attributed to the flower special powers, even supernatural, being used to fight diseases of all kinds. He took himself on long journeys.
In medicine today, the roots of the orchid, have been used as a restorer, emollient and antiscorbutic.


In India, the leaves have been used for their abortive properties. Tests have shown that the punarnavine alkaloid, contained in the leaves and throughout the plant, produces soft uterine contractions. It has also been used for kidney and liver disorders, as well as diuretic .


t is a parasitic tuber that appears in the roots of certain trees. It appears as a small and Redondo nodule weighing from a few milligrams to about fifteen grams. If they are taken fresh, they benefit the man as an agent of birth control. If taken for a prolonged period, they can cause impotence.


It is also known as the “apple of Satan” is a plant with a very old legend and associated with witchcraft.

It is a narcotic herb, with aphrodisiac properties.

Self-medication is very dangerous, especially the American poisonous mandrake or “apple of May”

Old writings refer to the mandrake:

in Genesis, 30: 14-16 says:

“And Reuben went walking in the days of wheat harvest and he found mandrakes in the field. And he took them to Lea, his mother.

Then Rachel said to Leah: please give me, mandrakes of your son.

At this, she said to him: Does it seem little to you to have stolen my husband to want to take now also the mandrakes of my son?

And Rachel said: For this reason your husband will lie ontigo tonight, in exchange for the mandrakes.

And when Jacob came from the field at dusk, Leah came out to meet him and said: You must come with me, for I have paid for you with the mandrakes of my son

And he slept with her that night ”

According to Bible scholars, Rachel, the youngest of Jacob’s two wives, wanted to possess the mandrake because it would make her more fertile and for her reputation as a stimulant sexual.

According to the ancient Greeks, they considered it as an erotic plant, believing it under the auspices of Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
Aristotle, Hippocrates and other Greek philosophers referred to it in their writings.

The Romans they used it as a surgical anaesthetic.
In the book The Herbarium, Apuleius, Roman writer of the second century AD mentions the plant as a remedy for mental disorders: “For stupidity, devil’s disease or demonic possession, take the so-called mandrake plant by value of three dwellings and administer it in infusion, so that the patient drinks it hot ”
A fable warned people not to harm the mandrake. Whoever took one from the ground, would suffer the consequences of its action, having awakened the demon that lived in the root. The sound of the demons harrowing audible sounded would be so horrible that it would kill the one causing the damage at once. The moral of the fable was: never uproot a mandrake plant.

In the middle Ages, mandrake roots were carved in human form and were capable of attracting good luck. In France, it was believed that they provided wealth. In Germany, good luck amulets were made and those who wore it did it secretly to avoid being accused of practising witchcraft. It was also believed that it grew in the gallows and fed on the blood of the dead.
In 1066 the Saxons worshiped this root for its power to exorcise the demons of the possessed. In England, whoever touched her, attracted death.

Chinese honeysuckle

The flowers, leaves and stem of this climbing plant of oriental origin, used for a prolonged period of time, have a reputation for increasing general and sexual vitality, … and prolonging life

Lycium chinense

The root and the seeds of this bush of origin in China, of red berries, are estimated by their tonic effect on the sexual organs.
The seeds, buds, roots and tender leaves, provide well-being, give shine to the eyes and lengthen life, according to Chinese wisdom.

Lily, root of the lily

The roots of some lily species have been used as an aphrodisiac.
It is not recommended, because some roots of some species are poisonous.